Our Story

Developed for my own use on a commercial knife route, I built 100 prototypes and sharpened over 100,000 knives over a 10 year period.
My father taught me to sharpen, and I have always been fascinated by it. Whether I was working in cabinet shops or restaurants, once my co-workers discovered my talent, I was always the one they came to for sharpening.
One night in 1982, I was sharpening knives for a friend who owned a restaurant. Jon Rowley stopped by to deliver fish and saw my work. He told me, "if you will come sharpen my knives once a week, I will get you all the customers you can handle." So I did, and he did, and I was in the sharpening business. But working with knife sharpeners by hand was too slow. I began working on a better way. For years, I just kept sharpening and designing. As the Professional reached maturity, customers on my route wanted to have one of their own. Once I had the knife sharpening stones perfected, Edge Pro sharpening systems were born!

I began working at Edge Pro in an assembly position in January of 2006 with very little knowledge of how to sharpen a knife. I would always turn down my headphones and listen while Ben would give sharpening demonstrations to customers that walked in. After seeing countless customers give the same testimony of “Wow, this is the sharpest my knife has ever been!” I quickly became eager to learn the skill of sharpening, and realized that what I was helping build was something very special.
I began a sharpening service of my own, and was constantly asking Ben to critique my work. Needless to say my customers were never disappointed.
My experience working in a machine shop, and my passion for bowhunting has led me to realize the true value of a perfectly sharp edge.
Today I oversee the daily manufacturing operations, quality control, and shipping.
"If there is a better sharpening system out there, I have yet to see it. This will be the last sharpening system you will ever have to purchase..."
-Darryl Young, Freelance writer
"In less than a day , your device has ended twenty years of frustration with a dozen other patently unsatisfactory solutions to the problem."
-Bryant Cushing
"..with the Edge Pro , given a modest amount of practice anyone can take a dull knife and put a perfect edge on the blade"
-Schuyler Engle, LA Times
" Hi Ben,
Back around Christmas I purchased an Edge Pro Apex Sharpening System from you. Now that I've had a significant amount of time with it, I wanted to tell you how thoroughly pleased I am! It's not very often I buy something and have it live up to ALL my expectations, but this is one. I honestly can't think of a way to improve it. Thanks for a great product!"
-John Caviness
"Feel free of course. I will stand behind any comment I have ever made about Edge Pro. The product quality. The edges it produces. The service of the company. The commitment of the company to stand behind the product before and after sale. In reality you could give 99% of the companies out there lessons in public relations, customer care, and professionalism. But then you have a product that is more than "good enough". It is superior. So I guess that makes it a lot easier to stand in front of and behind the product.
"You should be proud of the product you are producing. Nothing I have ever tried will produce an edge this sharp on a knife."
-Dwade Hawley - Fort Smith, NWT Canada
"I must say, I was a little spectacle — I have purchased 5 machines, including a full Tormax system. Wow, do you deliver! Your Pro system is incredibly easy to use and unbelievably surpasses anything else on the market — the results are better than any custom factory process. I took an old MOD Tactical, that I was going to throw away, and within minutes had an edge that exceeded new condition. Thanks."
-Bernard Fred Atkinson
"Hello, add me to your list of happy customers. I've had my Pro model less than a week and I am VERY impressed. The workmanship of the machine is fantastic and I found it very easy to get started. I became a little frustrated with my self at first, but after I learned to relax and let the machine do the work and not hold the knife so tight, it is getting easier and faster the more I sharpen on it. I've been (I thought) a fair hand at freehand sharpening, but I've never come close to getting and edge on a knife like I can now...and I know that I'll get better as I use it more. Even sharpened a few of my mother's fabric scissors and she said they have NEVER been that sharp and they are fairly expensive scissors.
My wife is not very happy with me though after I sharpened her favorite paring knife.... but I told her the wound on her thumb was not life threatening and just to change the bandage regularly and all would be fine. Overall, I have probably sharpened over 30 knives since I received my Pro model last Wednesday and am totally satisfied. Thanks again for great service and a great product."
-Mike Fluhmann
"Dear Ben and staff,
I received my Pro Kit 3 today. I am up way past my bedtime and have succeeded in putting a unbelievable edge on every knife that I own! This machine is simply amazing! My family thought that I had lost my mind, when in the middle of sharpening my second knife, I started laughing. All these years of sharpening on tri stones, electric machines and God knows what else I've used, and this machine puts the best edge on a knife that I have ever seen in a quarter of the time. It made me laugh like a school girl! I could not be happier! The workmanship of this machine is top shelf. My first time sharpening felt as if I was the inventor of the machine. I was a little worried that I would have problems getting used to the machine because of my two left hand syndrome, but it was effortless for me. The polishing tapes are my favorite! Wow! If I had hair I could comb it the reflection off of the edge of my knife. Needless to say, I couldn't be happier! Thanks for great product and outstanding service."
-Harold Day
Just a quick note to let you know how happy I am with my new edgepro apex. I have only sharpened a dozen knives, or so, and so far have been very impressed. Being a relative novice to sharpening I have found the ease of set-up, instructional DVD etc. a real benefit to me. Having tried several other methods of sharpening, I have never found it so easy to get a consistently sharp edge along the entire length of the knife as with your product. Having now taught my left hand to behave much as my right, there is a profound simplicity of use of your product which produces an exceptional edge.
Thanks for your prompt service and great product.
You should be proud.
From the other side of the world, I wish you every happiness and success."
-Phil Habel